
Monday, December 30, 2013

Conventional Account Trades - FB and SO

I have a small conventional trading account at Scottrade – I have been using more or less the same trading philosophy with it as I do in Rescue My IRA, which is why I post about it here sometimes.  My goals with the conventional account are the same as with the IRA: to achieve a 12% annual rate of return, and to compound that return until the funds are needed.

I just added a little bit of cash from my year-end bonus to the account, and since I had 100% of the cash sitting on the sidelines, I decided to pick up two positions – FB and SO – which I am also trading in Rescue My IRA.
Here’s the position plan for both – all values are net of commissions and fee: 



Bought 100 shares at average share price $57.01 (total $5,701.00)
Sold 1 FB Jan 2014 $57.50 for a net of $163.74

Net Profit:

1) Options Income:  = $163.74
2) Dividend Income: No dividends on this stock
3) Capital Appreciation if assigned at $57.50:  $31.89

Total Net Profit if Assigned and dividend collected:  $195.63
Absolute Return on Investment: ($195.63/$5,701.00) = 3.43%
Annualized Return if Assigned (25 days):  3.43%*(365/25) = 50.10%



Bought 100 shares at average share price $40.82 (total $4,082.00)
Sold 1 SO Feb 2014 $41.00 for a net of $59.74

Net Profit:

1) Options Income:  = $59.74
2) Dividend Income: Ex-date is Feb 1, dividend is $0.5075 ($50.75)
3) Capital Appreciation if assigned at $41.00:  $0.89

Total Net Profit if Assigned and dividend collected:  $111.38
Absolute Return on Investment: ($111.38/$4,082.00) = 2.73%
Annualized Return if Assigned (50 days):  2.73%*(365/50) = 19.92%

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