
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Three Adjustments: Rolling out GE, HAL, and WAG

With the market continuing its downward trend, I decided I would proceed with the strategy of taking profits on call premiums via the roll-out activities I had begun last week.  I have completed six roll-out transactions since then, generating enough cash flow to add another 100 shares of CSX.  Today, I’ll summarize three of the new roll-outs, I’ll follow-up with another post to show the analysis of the other three very soon – also, I will make a note of the revised CSX position at that time.

With the completion of these roll-outs, I have no June contracts left in the portfolio.  There are six positions set to expire in July, two Augusts, three Septembers, and two Octobers.  For the most part, I have sought to maintain the original strike prices, although I have made exceptions by selling at a lower strike on the GLW, as noted last week, and on SPLS, which I will write about next time.

Here’s the analysis of the three positions.


This is the second time I’ve held a position in GE; this time I have 500 shares, and I’ve been selling calls with a strike price of 20 against them. The current contract has a July expiration.

Total option premiums:  $212.21
Total dividend payments (including the May ex-dividend):  $170.00
Total stock gain at $20.00:  $280.00
Total, absolute gain on the position:  $662.21
Total, absolute return percentage ($662.21/$9,702.00):  6.83%
Annualized total return percentage (held approx 120 days):  20.76%


This 300 share position has really gotten beaten down in the current market.  My basis is north of $34 and the shares are trading at $28, this meant I’ve gone out to a 35 Oct 2012 contract for a decent call premium.  The upside there is I will likely collect another dividend – it goes ex-dividend in June and likely again in September. 

Even though this one may just miss my 12% annual return target, I’ll sit tight on this long expiration date and see what happens by October.

Total option premiums:  $393.13
Total dividend payments (counting June ex-date):  $18.00
Total stock gain at $35.00:  $182.92
Total, absolute gain on the position:  $594.05
Total, absolute return percentage ($594.05/$10,299.90):  5.77%
Annualized total return percentage (held 200 days):  10.53%


This is another 300 share position where I’ve gone out to a 35 Oct 2012 contract, although the stock is not quite as beaten down as HAL.  As with those shares, if I hold WAG that long I will collect another dividend – these shares passed an ex-dividend date in May and will have another in August.  WAG is currently forecast to meet my 12% objective. 

Total option premiums:  $531.21
Total dividend payments (counting May ex-date):  $90.00
Total stock gain at $35.00:  $361.02
Total, absolute gain on the position:  $982.23
Total, absolute return percentage ($982.23/$10,121.80):  9.70%
Annualized total return percentage (held 240 days):  14.76%

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