I spoke with my Scottrade branch manager today, who called to tell me my COP option was assigned...I told him that I knew already, and that I was working on my next trade. I'll discuss that in a minute, but first let's go to the status of the account transfer from Ameriprise over to Scottrade.
You'll recall from an earlier post that I had intended to close out my account over at Ameriprise in order to improve the account's practivity and get more control over the investments. There was some issue with the transfer, and several of the previous ETFs could not be held in the Scottrade account, so they had to be transferred back to Ameriprise, where they sit in limbo because my old broker cannot "see" my account on his screen.
Frustrating. No likey. Part of why I moved the account.
Moving on to the next transaction. I know I have a lot to learn about the covered call process, but I decided to set up a November trade. I created a screen on Scottrade to get a few candidate stocks - looking for S&P Stars ratings of 4 or 5, and dividend yields in excess of 3%. This is what I am working with now, I will probably improve this with payout ratios as I learn more.
Another example of what I want to beccome proficient on is the time value of the premiums. That will come.
For the next trade I decided on IP - International Paper, which was trading around $25.30 per share today. The stock pays a dividend of $26.25, goes ex- in November during options expiry week. I bought 200. Then I sold 2 contracts of the November 26, picking up $196 or so.
If I am assigned on this trade, I will net around $297 for the sale and the options contracts, that's around 5.8% for about a month on this trade.
If I am not assigned, I will receive about $52.50 in dividends and look at whether I want to take profits or do another covered call. I'll keep you posted.
Any form of investment involves risks. Yet, I believe that the higher risks involved, the better gains you may get.