Here's the hop yards' logo. Twitter handle is @hawksbillhops |
I’m writing my monthly Rescue My IRA
results post about a week late this month, but I have an excellent excuse. In January, I decided to take a step towards
starting a small business in Luray, Virginia – Hawksbill Hop Yards – which you
can read about here.
The business plan and attendant chores related to getting this project
underway have been time consuming (but incredibly fun!).
After the break out we saw in
February, I decided that I would put more Rescue My IRA cash to work on
positions and covered calls. I have been
tracking cash reserves at around 20-25% for the last year or so, but I made the
strategic call to reduce this to around 15% during March. As a result, I now have 15 positions trading,
and we’re back to seeing the bulk of the monthly returns generated in covered
call premiums.
In fact, the $1,900 generated from
covered calls met my goal of a 1% return for the month all by itself, although
there were good dividend and stock gains results as well.
My wife and my farming partner David, checking out the field. |
As I wrote last month, I don’t
calculate the unrecorded gains and losses in this account as part of the monthly return, which is why the
account value changes independently from the transaction results. I figure that with a good trading plan, these
things take care of themselves over the course of the life of each position, so
the best success indicator ultimately is simply the increase in account
value. Even so, monitoring the three
component items is a good way to track progress and improve decision making.
Well, that’s all I have to say for
now – I need to get back to work on the hops farm. Here is a summary of results
for March 2015- as always, these amounts are net of commissions and fees.
Account Status:
Total Account Value, 3/31/2015
Market Close: $169,187.41 – down slightly from the February ending
Total Cash Reserve, 3/31/2015 Market
Close: $32,364.23 – also down from February.
Core Stock Positions (as of 3/31/2015): ABBV (100 shares), AAPL (100 shares), CA (300
shares), COP (100 shares), EMC (400 shares), F (500 shares), FB (100 shares), FCX
(500 shares), GE (400 shares), HAL (200 shares), JPM (100 shares), NUE (200
shares), PPL (300 shares), QCOM (100 shares), T (400 shares)
Performance Metrics:
Option Premiums Collected (net,
month of March): $1,908.82 (1.14%)
Capital Gains Collected (net, month
of March): $346.02 (0.21 %)
Dividends Collected (recognized on
the ex-date): $310.25 (0.19 %)
Estimated Interest on Cash Reserve:
Total, Absolute Return: $2,565.39
(1.53% absolute return, annualized return
Next Month To-dos:
As I’m writing this it is already the first week in April, so my forecast will
reflect that I have already completed a couple of roll-outs, and I’ve added a
100 share position in SPY which will show a $15.00 loss when exercised on April
10. JPM has already been called away on its April 1 ex-date, and there remain three positions with
expirations in April, including SPY – the other two are FB and HAL. If all three
are called away, there is the possibility of $650.30 in capital gains, or 0.39 %
April’s dividend forecast is not
bad, with four stocks going ex-dividend:
ABBV, F, FCX, and T. JPM has
already been called away, so there is a total estimated
yield of $339.00, or 0.20%. None of them have April contracts on them, so
the estimate is pretty solid at this point.
That puts estimated cash returns
from stock gains and dividends at around $1,000.00, or 0.59% - I need another
$700.00 or so from covered call premiums to make my goal of a 1% return for the
month. As of this writing, I have
generated almost $600.00, so we are just about to the finish line. With three ITM calls coming up this month, I
should have the opportunity to sell a few more contracts, which will take the
account across the finish line for April.
When I write my April post, hops
planting season will be starting us in the face. I’ll try not to be late with the monthly
post, despite that. Until next month,
happy trading!